Sep 15Liked by Katrina Germein

Katrina - thank you for this post, it highlights what a generous person you are. If someone had sent me that email way back when I'd have been over the moon and probably would have sent you chocolate so here are some kisses that you most certainly deserve x x x

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Thanks, Jackie. I think that just shows what a generous person you are. Xxx

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Sep 13Liked by Katrina Germein

Katrina, I love One Little Duck. It's so clever and I love reading it and my granddaughter loves joining in. I think that's a big win for an author to know your book is read and really enjoyed.

I was most interested to read through your list of what to do to be a children's picture book author. I could tick off each suggestion as yes 'done that'! All the courses, the time I took off work to go back to Uni to study Writing for Children helped but joining SCBWI was the best choice I made. I did feel different because I was in an esteemed group of creators but I talked, listened and learned. So what was the most important message - just start writing.

Now I have Even George and it's beautiful and I am so proud.

Thank you so much for all you share about your craft.

And lastly thank you so much for coming to my launch and buying a copy of Even George.

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Hi Carolyn, coming to your launch and buying your beautiful book was an absolute pleasure. Such a joyful celebration and so well deserved. I loved seeing your grandchildren out the front ❤️ Thank you for your kind about One Little Duck. I love hearing about it's life in the wild xx

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Sep 13Liked by Katrina Germein

Katrina, I have to say I love your mum for her utter belief in you and your wonderful work and I love how you expanded your thoughts about 'not-winning' to include all those other creators out there who also did not win. That's the reality. I loved your 'One Little Duck' book and always will and so will hundreds of other kids and adults who you'll never meet. That's again the reality. And that, as you said, is the goal. That your book is out there, a great quality book in every way, reaching and being relevant to the next generation of readers. xx

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Thank you, Janeen. I agree ❤️ All those readers appreciating the book is the real win. 🦆 (And making friends like you along the way.) Xx

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