Hi Katrina! Power to you for unfriending that Substack. Something we all must do to raise people's concept and value of children's books. When I mention to people that I'm an author, their eyebrows go up and they might exclaim 'Oh!' and smile but when I add the words, 'a children's author,' either one of two things happen. Either the eyebrows lower and the exclamatory 'Oh,' sinks, or they brighten and say, 'That must be lovely.' Then sigh. Yes, that's right folks, we churn out easy writing somewhere between grassy fields and heaven!!
I hadn't heard of the 'blue page' but those lines in your book are poignant. They go straight to the heart and soul of each little one (and big one) to think of that potential aloneness and despair. Something I'll be certain to look out for, not only in others' books, but in my own writing as well. Thanks for the value and integrity of your post and the excitement of your forthcoming froggy book! x
Beautifully said, Katrina! CS Lewis felt that writing for children was the highest form of writing and *the place in which to 'say' what he had to say...
Hi Katrina! Power to you for unfriending that Substack. Something we all must do to raise people's concept and value of children's books. When I mention to people that I'm an author, their eyebrows go up and they might exclaim 'Oh!' and smile but when I add the words, 'a children's author,' either one of two things happen. Either the eyebrows lower and the exclamatory 'Oh,' sinks, or they brighten and say, 'That must be lovely.' Then sigh. Yes, that's right folks, we churn out easy writing somewhere between grassy fields and heaven!!
I hadn't heard of the 'blue page' but those lines in your book are poignant. They go straight to the heart and soul of each little one (and big one) to think of that potential aloneness and despair. Something I'll be certain to look out for, not only in others' books, but in my own writing as well. Thanks for the value and integrity of your post and the excitement of your forthcoming froggy book! x
Hehe 'between grassy fields and heaven'. It's like when I say I teach five year olds, everyone responds with, 'Cute!"
I love how you always post such thoughtful comments Janeen. It helps motivate me to keep writing this monthly newsletter.
Beautifully said, Katrina! CS Lewis felt that writing for children was the highest form of writing and *the place in which to 'say' what he had to say...
Thank, Cate. I'm with him.